How long have you been a fan of the Saturday delight of Orange Grove Markets
I have been going to and a BIG fan of Orange Grove Markets for about 2 years now.
What is it about these markets that keeps you coming back
The atmosphere! The amazing stallholders and their fresh organic produce. The quality and freshness of the produce is wonderful. I love knowing that the fruit/vegetables I buy on each Saturday came off the tree only a few days (or the day) before!.
I used to travel to "another" organic market previous to discovering Orange Grove Markets and I have to say although they are "nice", they aren't a patch on Orange Grove! Having lived in the Inner West for many years, I can't believe that I didn't now about them sooner!
I also like the people who come to the markets - everyone on the same page wanting to cook and eat with the freshest and healthiest produce they can. No matter how crowded or how many times my toes might accidentally be run over with a trolley brimming with clean and healthy goodness, there is always a smile and an apology for not seeing your tootsies.
Do you have a favourite stallie whom you simply can't not buy from each week, and if so, who and why
Yes, I have my favourites:
- Frank @ Frank's peaches
- Nick @ BBQ Aroma
- Lyssandra's Fruit & Veggies
- R&G Williams Mangrove Mountain Flower Growers
- Organic Culture
- Growers Direct to U
- Totally Juiced
- Bowen's Egg & Bacon Rolls
- Chinese Dim Sum King
They always look after me with a smile and some friendly banter. The friendly stallies makes the atmosphere!
I visit these stalls each Saturday market without fail as well as meandering through the markets sampling and buying tasty goodies from the other stallholders.
Has this love of our markets spilled into the worlds of those around you or do you like to use it as a "time out" solo expedition
Religiously, rain, hail or shine, each Saturday I set my alarm clock early so I can get to the markets on time before all the goodies are picked over. It's a ritual that only something major can deviate me from!
My parents now go along to the markets as well and they too have fallen in love with the markets' amazing atmosphere and friendly market go-ers and growers. I have quite a few friends who live in the Inner West and are local to Orange Grove Markets and they too now visit the markets.
I love going home after the markets to pack my fridge full of organic goodness and stand back to admire all the beautiful colours of the produce and ponder on what delicacies I can cook that week.
I enjoy going t the markets with friends or family but solo expeditions are a necessity! After a hectic week at work there is nothing better than arriving at the markets to wonder what delights await and what friends I might bump into doing their Saturday morning shop.
I imagine that I could be anywhere in the world enveloped in the market crowds and enjoy walking around each corner to see what treats await!
Plus, a solo expedition also allows me to spend as much time as I want soaking up the atmosphere.
If you had to use 5 words to embody Orange Grove Markets, what would they be
- Vibrant
- Fresh
- Inspiring
- Healthy
- FUN!
And on that extraordinarily high note we would like to thank Amanda for not only loving our markets with a passion, but being one of those amazing shoppers who come to market rain hail or shine!
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