When did Putrino's make their debut at Orange Grove Markets
G & M Putrino have been at Orange Grove for 10 years and for me personally, I have been here for about 4 years
Not only is your produce totally delicious, you are constantly busy which is excellent for any stallholder. What is about being part of the market community that separates it from a retail outlet or a supermarket chain.
Always having loads quality fresh produce at hand and loads of people each with their unique personality
As your produce grows so does your stall size. From set up to packdown, from picking up produce to arriving at market. It is not a life for the faint-hearted. When does your day actually start and after all is said and done, what time do you finally get home and put your feet up to relax.
Very early start leaving home at 3am, then its off to the farm to collect the truck which is packed with market produce
with thanks to the BBQ Aroma King for allowing us to use this photo of the stallie dawn arrival
Market done and finally pack down complete, I get home about 5pm
Whatever the weather you are at market. We absolutely appreciate it and we KNOW for a fact that the shoppers do also. What has been the biggest sale at any market in one day
We always make sure we show up in any weather because we know our customers rely on us being there and we absolutely appreciate that they come out whatever the weather.
Some days we do incredibly well and sell totally out. But when the weather ain't that great obviously it's a bit slower but fortunately for us, it's not that often.
It's hard to put a figure on best seller because our costs and produce change according to season and weather.
For anyone who has yet to discover the delights of your Orange Grove goodies, what 5 words would you use to get em in and have a sample
Come and have a taste!
You heard the man....get in and have a taste!
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